Store Deposits (Point of Sale)

Store Deposits

If your organization is using the Point of Sale system, store deposits can be managed within UltraCamp. Changes made here directly affect House Accounts in the Point of Sale system.    

To Manage Store Deposits:

    1. Open the desired account 
    2. Click on View Financial History and proceed to the Finance Detail page
    3. At the bottom right, expand the Additional Actions menu
    4. Click on Store Deposits

Unspent Money

Indicate how unspent money should be dealt with using the radio button options:

  • Each individual with a store deposit will be listed independently here.
  • Click View Purchase History to see what items have been purchased through the Point of Sale system.
  • The Current Balance will be displayed to the right.
  • To add money to the individual House Account in the Point of Sale system, use the Add Money column to enter the desired amount.



Why is the Store Deposit option not showing? There are typically two reasons the option to add or edit store deposits isn't showing:

  • Check to see if they have a reservation. Depending on your camp settings, an individual may need to be registered for a current or upcoming session in order to add money to their Point of Sale account.
  • Make certain the Session Template for a current or upcoming reservation has "Collect Store Money" checked on the Registration Information page of the Session Template Wizard.


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