Add Fees

Some fees don't fall neatly into store purchases or session fees. The Add Fees feature can place a non-refundable fee or additional fee directly onto the account.

To find where to add fees:

    1. Open the desired account.
    2. Under Common Tasks, Click View Financial History.
    3. Select the Add Fees button under Common Tasks. You may then select the desired fee type.



Add a Non-refundable Session Fee

A Non-refundable Session Fee bills an individual for a session while not placing them on the session roster for that program.  Monies paid towards a non-refundable session fee are still allocated toward that session. 

To add a Non-refundable Session Fee:

    1. Open the desired account.
    2. Click View Financial History.
    3. Click Add Fees under Common Tasks.
    4. Choose Non-refundable Session Fee.
    5. Enter the Non-refundable Fee Information.
      • Select a Season and Location to filter your session list.
      • Choose a Session  from dropdown menu.
      • Indicate which Individual to assign the fee to.
      • Enter the desired Fee Amount.
    6. Click the Add Fee  button.


When adding a non-refundable session fee, be specific about the Individual you are assigning the fee. This will display on the financial record!


Add a Seasonal Fee

A Seasonal Fee is charged once per season.  It is not a session fee, but it is usually triggered by making a reservation.

To manually add a Seasonal Fee, take the following steps:

    1. Open the desired account.
    2. Click View Financial History.
    3. Click Add Fees under Common Tasks.
    4. Choose Seasonal Fee.
    5. Select the appropriate Seasonal Fee from the dropdown menu.
    6. Enter the Seasonal Fee information.
      • Indicate the Fee Amount.
      • Enter a Fee Date.
      • Select the correct Season for the fee.
      • If the fee is Person-based, indicate who the fee is to be Applied To.
    7. Click the Insert Fee button.


Add an Account Fee

An Account Fee is a custom fee created specifically for your organization. 

To manually add an Account Fee, take the following steps:

    1. Open the desired account.
    2. Click View Financial History.
    3. Click Add Fees under Common Tasks.
    4. Choose Account Fee.
    5. Select the appropriate Account Fee from the dropdown menu.
    6. Enter the Account Fee information.
      • Indicate the fee Date.
      • Enter the Fee Amount.
      • Record a Comment which will be visible to the Primary Contact.
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