Make a Sponsorship Payment

Sponsorship Payment

Sponsorship payments make a claim against the account of sponsor by way of a Sponsorship Code. This creates a credit on the claiming account and a linked, corresponding debit on the sponsor account. Sponsorship payments can be made from both the Admin and Public side.

Admin Side: Make Sponsorship Payment / Claim

To make a sponsorship payment / claim, from the Admin side: 

    1. Open the desired account.
    2. Click the Make / Record a Payment button (on either the Account Detail or Finance Detail pages).
    3. Click Sponsorship Payment.
    4. Enter the desired code or click on code in the list, click the Next.
    5. Indicate the correct session by checking the appropriate Select box to the left.
    6. Confirm the Sponsorship Amount. The default amount will display in the field but can be edited.
    7. Click the Claim Sponsorship button.



In the list of Sponsorship Codes, UltraCamp will highlight Sponsorships that have reached or exceeded their Sponsorship Cap.

Public Side: Make Sponsorship Payment / Claim 

    1. From the My Account page, click the Make a Payment button 
    2. In the Payment Method window, click Sponsorship Code
    3. Enter the Sponsorship code, click the Next 
    4. Select the reservations below to which you would like to apply the sponsorship.
    5. Click Claim Sponsorship button
    6. Review and then click Confirm Complete Order


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