Upsell Items and Featured Products

You can promote specific sessions and online store products using the Upsell Items or Featured Products function. Items marked as Featured or for Upsell will appear on a distinct page right before checkout, along with a link to add that item to their cart. 

To manage your Featured Products or Upsell Items, take the following steps:

Here you can edit or create new Upsell Items and Feature Products.

As an alternative, you can take the following steps for the same result:

    • In the Scheduling menu, expand Advanced Features.
    • Click Upsell Items.


Creating and Editing Upsell Items

There are two parts to setting up a Featured Product or Upsell Item:

    • Designating a Trigger
    • Designating the Item to be promoted.

The Trigger determines when the Item is displayed to your client prior to checkout. 

To create or edit an Upsell Item, take the following steps:

    • Click the button to Add an Upsell Item or the link to edit an existing one.
    • Choose a Trigger Type.
    • Choose a Trigger from the Select dropdown menu or check the box to Schedule Multiple Triggers. 
    • Choose an Upsell Type from the dropdown.
    • Choose an Upsell Item from the Select dropdown. 
    • [Optional] Set a Display Rank to override the default alphanumeric sort for multiple Upsell Items.
    • Click the Save button. 

This will save your changes and immediately make the Upsell Item active for the designated trigger(s).


Removing Upsell Items

When you wish to no longer feature or promote an Item, you can delete the Upsell Item. This does not remove the item from your Online Store or delete the session. However, it does stop the promotion of that item by any Triggers. 

To stop promotion of an item, take the following steps:

    • In the Extra Services menu, expand the Online Store section.
    • Click Featured Products.
    • In the list of Current Upsell Items, check the box to the right of each Item you wish to stop promoting.
    • Click the button to Delete Selected Items.

The upsell items will now be removed.


How Clients Encounter Upsell Items

When a client selects something that triggers an Upsell Item, UltraCamp will display a unique page after the registration information has been completed but before the checkout page. This page lists all Upsell Items triggered by the client's selections. 

    • Clients can add an Upsell Item by checking the box next to the item.
    • If a store product is selected, a popup window will prompt the client for additional information.
    • If a session is selected, registration will be started for that session.


The page for Upsell Items is entitled "Additional Information."



Selecting a Store Product will initiate a popup window.




You can learn more about creating Store Products here.


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