Should I use Activities or Options?

Both Activities and Options offer additional choices and selections as part of registration. Deciding which one to use depends on the features and preferences of what you want to implement.

Options are designed to let individuals make selections from a list of one or more items.

Activities are designed to let individuals choose their own schedule from a list of selections.


Comparison Chart

The following chart breaks down the differences between the traits for Activities and Options:

Trait Activities Options
Easy to Set Up No Yes
Waiting List Yes No
Age Limits Yes


Gender Limits Yes No
Can use pricing structures No Yes
Triggers an Online Form No Yes
Can use date limits No Yes
Conditional based on a previous selection No Yes
Template can be reused in the same session Yes No
Works with Group Reservations No Yes


When should I use Activities?

Use Activities when an individual should make one or more selections that correspond to a part of a day. Here are some examples of when activities work well:

  • If an individual must choose a morning class and an afternoon class
  • If an individual can sign up for a wait list if an activity is full but still must choose one with openings (in case space doesn't open up)
  • If multiple sessions share the same class rosters and capacity limits


When should I use Options?

Options are much more commonly used than activities. Use options when you have pricing that changes based on the number of selections made. Here are some examples of when Options are the best choice:

  • For setting up a Day Camp where people can select individual days
  • For group registrations where a family selects lodging for their reservation
  • For optional add-ons to a reservation like extra care, t-shirts, or special transportation .
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