Setting your Registration Page Order

You can control the order of what your clients encounter during the registration process. This is done through the Registration Page Order. There are two ways of setting up a Registration Page Order:

  • Use the Session Editing Wizard to make the process unique to each session.
  • Use a Page Order Template to make the process consistent across multiple sessions.

It is possible to use a combination of these two approaches, but only if you use separate Session Templates for each approach.


Page Order Template

A page order template sets up a consistent registration process for one or more Session Templates. It then automatically controls the registration process of all sessions scheduled using this template (or templates).


Step 1: Create a Page Order Template

To create a Page Order Template, take the following steps:

    1. Go to the Settings menu and expand the Session Templates section.
    2. Click Page Order Templates.
    3. Click Create a New Template.
    4. Enter a Name for this template (it will only be visible to admins).
    5. Arrange the page blocks by clicking and dragging the Registration Process section on the right.
    6. Click the Save button at the bottom.

You now need to attach this Page Order Template to a Session Template in order for it to have any effect. You can return and edit your Page Order Template at any time by clicking on the template or the icon to the right of it.


Step 2: Connect a Page Order Template to a Session Template

To connect your Page Order Template to a Session Template, take the following steps:

    1. Go to the Settings menu and expand the Session Templates section.
    2. Click Session Templates.
    3. Click the edit icon (or create a new Session Template).
    4. In the wizard proceed to the Registration Information page.
    5. In the dropdown menu for Page Order Master, choose the appropriate template.
    6. Click the Complete button to save your changes.

You can now exit the wizard. All sessions that are created using this session template will use the page order you have connected to it. A single Page Order Template can be connected to multiple session templates by repeating Step 2 for each desired Session Template.


Session Editing Wizard - Registration Page Order

Use the Registration Page Order page in the Session Editing wizard when the session does not have a Page Order Template connected. This will give you the most flexibility in setting your page order per session, but it is more work if you don't use UltraCamp's default order.

To set your Registration Page Order on a session, take the following steps:

    1. Open the Session Editing wizard for the session you wish to adjust.
      • From the Summary of Sessions page, click the edit icon to the right of the desired session.
      • Click the My Sessions menu and then click the edit icon to the right of the desired session.
    2. In the wizard, proceed to the Registration Page Order page in the Basic Settings section.
    3. Arrange the page blocks by clicking and dragging the Registration Process section on the right.
    4. Click the Complete button at the bottom.

This will save your page order for this session only and will not impact other sessions.



You can use the Copy Session Settings tool to copy the Registration Page Order to other sessions that don't have a Page Order Template attached.



Arranging the Page Order

Whether you are using a Page Order Template or the Session Editing Wizard, you will need to arrange the page blocks to adjust the order from UltraCamp's default.

The Page Order tool is divided into three sections:

  • Excluded Pages - This is for UltraCamp standard pages that you don't want to appear during registration.
  • Custom Online Forms - These are the online forms you've created to collect custom information from your clients.
  • Registration Process - This represents your client experience during registration. The blocks at the top will be the first items clients encounter after choosing a reservation. Items at the bottom will be later in registration prior to checkout (which is standardized).

You can adjust these items by clicking on a block and dragging it to the desired place.





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