Uploading Documents on Public Side

Allowing Public Uploads

Before a document can be uploaded on the public side of UltraCamp, the document must be set to allow public uploads. 

To allow document uploads:

    1. Go to Settings and expand Communication.
    2. Click on Document Management.
    3. Click the pen or edit icon next to the document.
    4. Under Basic Information, check "Display in Document Center" and "Enabled".
    5. Check the box next to "Allow Public Upload".
    6. Click Save Document.

When documents are set to allow public uploads, your clients can add those specific documents to their account. You will need to process their documents in the queue.

Uploading a Document from Public Side

To upload a document, a client must take the following steps:

    1. Log into their account and click on the Menu icon  
    2. Select Document Center.
    3. In the Document Center, click the "Upload Document" button.
    4. Click the desired document.
    5. (Setting Dependent) If the document is set up as an Individual based document, a target individual must be selected.
    6. Choose a file from the client computer to upload.
    7. Click the Upload Document button.


Once the document has been uploaded, it will be added to the administrative queue of Unprocessed Forms where it must be approved by an administrator before final saving to the account and/or individual.



You can learn more about how to set up Documents in UltraCamp with our article here.

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