Session Aggregates

A Session Aggregate is a tool that lets you link and limit the availability of two or more sessions. It can compare capacity across multiple sessions at once and stop enrollment when your set limit is reached. You can create and manage multiple Session Aggregates in UltraCamp.


To find where to manage session aggregates, take the following steps:

    1. Go to the Scheduling menu and expand the Advanced Items section.
    2. Click Session Aggregate Limits.

Here you'll be able to create new Session Aggregates and review or edit existing ones.


Creating a Session Aggregate

To create a session aggregate on the Session Aggregate Limits page, take the following steps:

    1. Click the button to Add a Session Aggregate.
    2. Enter an   Aggregate Limit Name (this will be visible only to admins).
    3. Enter the Maximum Total for the combined availability of the sessions you will be comparing.
    4. Enter the Maximum Male and Maximum Female numbers (if you don't have gender limits, enter the same number as the Maximum Total).
    5. Click the Save Aggregate button.

You will be returned to the list of existing aggregates. In order to complete setup, you will need to edit the session aggregate you just created.


Editing a Session Aggregate

Once a Session Aggregate has been created, you can view it in the list of current Session Aggregates. This will display the name of the aggregate, how many Members (sessions) are being compared, and the total "enrollment / limit." The "enrollment / limit" numbers are also broken down by gender.

To edit a session aggregate, take the following steps:

    1. Click the session aggregate you wish to manage (or the pencil.svg edit icon to the right).
    2. [Optional] You can adjust the Name or the Maximum Totals and click the button to Save Aggregate, but this will return you to the list page.
    3. In the Add Aggregate Members list, check the box of any session you wish to be considered in the Maximum Totals.
    4. Click the Add Sessions button to save your changes.

Once a session has been added to the Aggregate, it will be displayed in the Current Aggregate Members section. UltraCamp will limit the availability of all added options so that the combination of enrollment or selection will not surpass the Maximum Total specified on the aggregate.

You can remove sessions from the aggregate by checking their box and click the the Remove / Save Ranks button at the bottom.



Removing sessions from an aggregate will immediately impact the availability of both that session and the aggregate. This means that people can register and wait lists will be triggered if new space is made available.


Reading the Session Aggregate Summary Sections

The Session Aggregate lists contain information that can be useful for managing your aggregates. Below is a description of each summary section associated with Session Aggregates:


Reading the Current Session Aggregates Page

The Current Session Aggregates section is the landing page for adding and editing Session Aggregates. It has six columns:

    • The Aggregate Name lists each created aggregate.
    • The Members column displays how many sessions are being compared.
    • The Males and Females columns indicate how many total  of each gender are enrolled in the compared sessions.
    • The Total column displays current enrollment / Maximum Total.
    • The edit icon to the right of each aggregate will let you adjust its settings.

A quick look at this page will give you an overview of your capacity and numbers by aggregate.


Reading the Current Aggregate Members section

The Current Aggregate Members section appears on the page where you edit a specific Session Aggregate. This section displays all sessions that have their enrollment compared in the aggregate. It appears at the bottom of the Edit a Session Aggregate page. This section has five columns of information focused around the options that have been added.

    • The first column lists the Waiting List Rank which can be used to prioritize one session's Wait List over another if the Aggregate is at or near capacity.
    • The Session column identifies the programs added to and compared within the Aggregate.
    • The Dates column lists the Begin and End Date of the specific session.
    • The Males and Females columns indicate how many total  of each gender are enrolled in the compared sessions.
    • The Total column lists enrolled / availability for this specific instance of the option.

You can review this list to easily review session option availability within a given aggregate.

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  • There wasn't an option to 'add a session aggregate'.  Is this an additional service than what we may have bought?

  • Currently this feature only works in UltraCamp's Classic view. If you are working in the Beta view, you will need to switch to Classic using the mountain icon in the upper left.

    If you are already in Classic View, the Common Task buttons usually listed at the top of the page are sometimes moved to a Link menu when you are working on a small screen or if you are zoomed in on your browser. Check in the top left of your UltraCamp interface for an icon that looks like two interconnected or overlapping links. Click this to access the Common Task buttons, like "Add a session aggregate."

    If you are still having trouble accessing this feature, please reach out to our support team for further assistance!


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