Multi-week Discount Templates


Multi-week Discounts give discounts to clients who register a single individual for multiple weeks or register more than one individual for multiple weeks.

Multi-week Discounts are automated once set up and don’t allow for individualized exceptions.

To add a Multi-Week Discount Template:

  1. Go to the Settings menu 
  2. Expand Discount Templates
  3. Select Multi-week Discounts




Creating a Multi-week Discount Template

To create a new Multi-week Discount or edit an existing one, try the following:

  1. Click the button to Create a New Multi Week Discount Master or click the edit icon to the right of the desired discount.
  2. Enter the Basic Information for the discount
      • Enter a Discount Name.
      • Enter a Default Amount and indicate the discount type (Dollars or Percentage)
  3. Enter the Automatic Approval Settings
      • Enter the number of Required Reservations
      • Indicate whether the discount is Applied Across Account
        • Check the box to allow reservations for different individuals to count toward the Required Reservations
        • Enter the minimum amount of individuals needed to qualify
    • Set which reservations the discount will Apply to.
  4. Click the Save Discount


In order for a Multi-week Discount to trigger and add automatically to reservations, it must be scheduled for those sessions. You can learn about how to connect a Multi-week Discount to sessions here.


Multi-week Discounts work only with Individual-based sessions. They do not work with Group-based reservations.  To reduce pricing by the number of participants in a Group-based reservation, you'll need to use a Group Pricing Structure.


Watch Video: Creating a Multi-week Discount Template


Multiweek Discount Terms and Settings

Below is a detailed description of each of the settings on Multiweek Discount Templates:

Basic Information Setting Details

  • The Discount Name  will appear to the client in several places, including the cart and reservation detail.
  • This template can be set to be percentage- or a dollar amount-based.  A Default Amount  must be entered, but the exact numbers can be adjusted on a session by session basis.  The type of discount (dollar or percentage) cannot be tailored per session.
  • You may enter a Description  in the field provided.  This description will show on the Discounts page in the registration process.
  • You may wish to uncheck the box to Display this discount to the public in the registration process if you don't have other discounts displaying. This will hide the discount in the registration process, although it will still appear in the shopping cart and confirmation.
  • You may also uncheck the box to Display this discount on the session information page.

Automatic Approval Setting Details

  • Designate how many reservations it takes to trigger this discount using the Required Reservations 
  • To make this discount a sibling or multi-person discount, check the Applied Across Account  box and indicate how many different individuals it takes to trigger this discount in the field to the right.
  • You can put a maximum discount Limit  on the template that is a per person limit or per account limit.  This will prevent an individual or account from receiving a greater discounted amount than you specified in the field.
  • This discount can Apply to  a reservation in two different ways.  You can either set it so that all reservations that meet the above criteria receive the discount, or you can stipulate that only certain reservations receive the discount.  Individuals or reservations can be prioritized based on Order Date, Session Begin Date, Session Order Total, or Person Order Total.



Example Multi-week Discount Templates

Since Multi-week Discounts can cover a variety of scenarios, here are some example templates:

Second Session Discount

With the following setup, the Multiple Session Discount offers $250 off the second session if a single individual makes a reservation for two or more sessions.  However, they only get the discount on the second session (and not subsequent sessions).

  • Name: Second Session Discount
  • Default Amount: 250 dollars
  • Description: Sign up this individual for a second week and automatically get $250 off that week.
  • Required Reservations: 2
  • Applied Across Account:  Unchecked
  • Apply to: Reservations starting with reservation number 2 and include reservations up through number 2.  Determine the order of reservations by sorting them by Session Begin Date from Earliest (Smallest) – to Latest (Largest)

Sibling Discount Example

With the following setup, the Sibling Discount is supposed to offer 5% off for each individual if a family signs up more than one child.

  • Name:  Sibling Discount
  • Default Amount:  5 percent
  • Description: Sign up more than one child to automatically receive 5% off each reservation.
  • Required Reservations: 2
  • Applied Across Account:  If checked, enter the minimum number of different people required:  2
  • Apply to: all reservations that meet the above criteria.
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