Adding a Paid-in-Full Discount


Paid in Full Discounts automatically grant a discount when a reservation's fees are entirely covered by a payment.  This type of discount does not require a template.

To find where to add a Paid-in-Full discount:

  1. Open the Scheduling Menu and Expand the Discounts section
  2. Select Paid-in-Full Discounts

Create and Add a Paid-in-Full Discount

To make a Paid-in-Full Discount, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Add a Paid in Full Discount button
  2. Check the box next to the session(s) that should have the discount added
  3. Click the Select button
    • Enter the Discount Settings
    • Enter the Value of the discount
    • Indicate if the Value is a Dollar or a Percent using the dropdown menu
    • Enter the date the session Must be paid in full before
    • [Optional] If the discount is only given at the time of registration, check the box to Award only if the session is paid in full at the time the reservation is made
  4. Click the Save Discounts button

Watch Video: Scheduling a Paid-in-Full Discount 

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