Option Aggregates

Option Aggregates are a tool that lets you compare and limit the availability of two or more options. Through option aggregates, you can even limit across sessions.

To find where to manage option aggregates, take the following steps:

    1. Go to the Scheduling menu and expand the Advanced Items section.
    2. Click Option Aggregates.

Here you'll be able to create new Option Aggregates and review or edit existing ones.


Creating an Option Aggregate

To create an option aggregate, take the following steps:

    1. Click the button to Create an Option Aggregate.
    2. Enter a name for the Option Aggregate (this will be visible only to admins).
    3. Enter the Maximum Total for the combined availability of the options.
    4. Click the Save Aggregate button.

You will be returned to the list of existing aggregates. In order to complete setup, you will need to edit the option aggregate you just created.


Editing an Option Aggregate

To edit an option aggregate, take the following steps:

    1. Click the option aggregate you wish to manage or the edit icon to the right.
    2. [Optional] You can adjust the Name or the Maximum Total and click Update Aggregate, but this will return you to the list.
    3. In the Select a Session dropdown, choose the session you wish to work with.
    4. Check the box next to any option you wish to count toward the Maximum Total.
    5. Click the Add to Aggregate button.

Once an option has been added to the Aggregate, it will be displayed in the Current Aggregate Members section. You can remove options from the aggregate by clicking the Remove link to the right.

You may add other options to this aggregate--including options from other sessions--by repeating steps 3-5. UltraCamp will limit the availability of all added options so that the combination of enrollment or selection will not surpass the Maximum Total specified on the aggregate.


Example Aggregates

The following examples may provide some guidance as you plan your option aggregates.


Example 1: Capping an Option across Multiple Sessions

Anton offers aftercare each week. He runs multiple sessions for different age groups in that week but the aftercare facility is limited in size. To prevent overfilling aftercare, he creates an Option Aggregate for each week with the following settings:

    • Name: Week 1 Aftercare
    • Maximum Total: 25
    • Current Aggregate Members:
      • Session: Week 1 Younglings, Option: Aftercare, Total: 0/25
      • Session: Week 1 Trainees, Option: Aftercare, Total: 0/25
      • Session: Week 1 Acolytes, Option: Aftercare, Total: 0/15

This setup will prevent Aftercare from having more than 25 total people during week 1. A new aggregate mirroring this would need to be set up for each of Anton's weeks.


Example 2: Limiting Options within a single session

Rivke has a limited number of logo hats. These can be purchased individually or are included with camp souvenir packets. To make sure that she doesn't end up sending souvenir packets without hats, she sets up an Option Aggregate for her summer sessions with the following settings:

    • Name: Hats for Summer 2023
    • Maximum Total: 200 hats
    • Current Aggregate Members:
      • Session: Week 1, Option: Logo Hat, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 1, Option: Silver Packet, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 1, Option: Gold Packet, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 2, Option: Logo Hat, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 2, Option: Silver Packet, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 2, Option: Gold Packet, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 3, Option: Logo Hat, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 3, Option: Silver Packet, Total: 0/100
      • Session: Week 3, Option: Gold Packet, Total: 0/100

If Rivke offered more than 3 weeks of camp, she would need to also add those weeks to the aggregate. This aggregate will block selection of any of the options listed as aggregate members once the Maximum Total of 200 has been reached.


Reading the Option Aggregate Summary Pages

The Option Aggregate lists contain information that can be useful for managing your aggregates. Below is a description of each summary page associated with Option Aggregates:


Reading the Current Session Option Aggregates Page

The Current Session Option Aggregates section has four columns:

    • The Aggregate Name lists each created aggregate.
    • The Members column displays how many options are being compared.
    • The Total column displays current enrollment / Maximum Total.
    • The edit icon to the right of each aggregate will let you adjust its settings.

A quick look at this page will give you an overview of your capacity and numbers by aggregate.


Reading the Current Aggregate Members section

The Current Aggregate Members section displays all options that are being compared to the Maximum Total. It has five columns of information focused around the options that have been added.

    • The first column lists the Session the option is attached to.
    • The Category column identifies the Option Category.
    • The Option is listed by name.
    • The Total column lists enrolled / availability for this specific instance of the option.

You can review this list to easily review session option availability within a given aggregate.

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