Person Detail Page

From the Person Detail page you view a comprehensive summary of the individual as well as complete a number of tasks.




Summary and Common Tasks

  • Summary provides a brief overview of important information.
  • Common tasks allow an admin to make a reservation, edit the person, print a summary and view medical information.


Bio /Contact Information

  • Provides basic biographic and contact information which can be edited.
  • Use the Address an envelope Icon to print an envelope with the designated contact information or send an email by clicking on the Email.
  • UltraCamp will display an alert note on individuals where the Address and Email are derived from the Primary Contact's information.


Custom Questions

  • If any Person Custom Questions have been scheduled, the Question Name as well as the answer will display here. 
  • This information can be edited administratively using the Edit this Person button under Common Tasks.


Membership Information

  • If Membership Information is being collected, the Membership Group as well as the selected Member Item will be displayed here. 
  • These selections can be edited using the Edit.



This section displays and offers admin access to current and previous reservations for this individual. 


Current Reservations   

  • The Current Reservations menu displays a list of any reservations for sessions whose End Date has not passed. Only this individual's reservations will be shown.
  • You can register this person for a session using the Make a New Reservation.
  • In the listed reservation(s), clicking the "View" link will redirect you to the Reservation Detail page. Clicking the "Print" link will bring up the PDF Confirmation for that reservation.


Previous Reservations

  • This menu displays a reservation history for this individual.
  • When displaying previous reservations, you can View the Reservation Detail page or Print the Confirmation PDF using the links provided.


Waiting Lists

If this individual is registered on the wait list for either Sessions or Activities, her/his waiting list details will display here. 

  • A Remove link allows you to manually remove the individual from the Waiting List.


You can use the waiting list reports in the Reports menu to adjust an individual's place on the wait list or even remove them entirely.


Incomplete Tasks

Incomplete Tasks on the Person Detail shows tasks attached to the person or any of their reservations. Additional tasks and processes can also be added here.    


  • The Incomplete Tasks menu allows you to Create a New Task or Add a Process to the active account using the provided links. 
  • You can also view Incomplete Tasks assigned to this person and their reservations in this menu.
  • Incomplete Tasks will be displayed along with the name of the individual or account to which the Task is attached, the assigned staff user (if applicable), and the Task due date. 
  • You can also View the specifics of a particular Task by clicking the link to the right. This permits the editing and adjustment of this particular task.
  • A checkbox to the left of the Task can be checked. When this is done, click the Complete Selected Tasks link to mark this Task as Complete
  • Completed tasks disappear from this menu.


Completed Tasks can be reported on in the Reports menu.

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