Edit This Person

Update or Edit Account Member

After an individual has been added as an account member, you can update or edit their biographical information at any time.    

    1. Open the desired account 
    2. Click on an individual Account Member's name. 
    3. From the Person Detail page, click the Edit this Person button under common tasks.



Individual Type

  • This Person Is: Using the dropdown menu, you can indicate if This person is a child or an adult. UltraCamp treats individuals differently depending on this designation and the settings for your organization.


Biographic Information

  • Name, Gender, Birthdate: In this section you can edit the individual's First Name , Last Name , and Middle Initial as well as Gender and Birth Date.
  • Grade: If your organization collects Grade information, you can select the appropriate grade from the dropdown menu.


The prompt for the grade selection is custom fit to your organization. Note the phrasing and date for the prompt in order to make sure this individual is eligible for the appropriate programs.


  • Photo: A Photo can be uploaded by clicking the button and selecting the image file from your computer. Images should be in jpeg or png format and no larger than 7 Mb in size.
  • Roles: If there are any eligible Roles for this individual, they can be selected here.


Contact Information

  • Unless you are working with the Primary Contact on the account, a box will be checked by default to indicate that the Contact information for this person is the same as the primary contact's. Uncheck this box to designate different contact information.
  • If different contact information is indicated, you may enter mailing address, phone, and email address information. If you enter a different email address, you can check the box to CC this person on all email correspondence. As long as this individual is not the primary contact, they will be sent a copy of any account correspondence, excluding login information recovery.
  • Facebook Settings: If a Facebook connection is enabled for your organization, this account's link to Facebook can be created or edited as needed.
  • Additional Information: If your organization collects additional information as Person Custom Questions, those questions will be displayed here, and you can edit their answers as needed.
  • Actions: Several buttons appear at the bottom of the page. Each of these addresses a different action that can be taken with this individual.


Move, Disable or Save

  • Move to another account: This button will take this individual out of the current account and place them into another account in your database. You will need the account number of the destination account in order to complete this process.
  • Disable This Person: Clicking this button will make this individual inactive and inaccessible to the public account user. Individuals who have been disabled this way will not be readily visible on the account but all their biographical, reservation, and communication will remain intact in the database.
  • Save Person: Saves any changes you've made on this page and update the record in your database.
  • Save and Make Reservation: Will save your changes and redirect you into the registration process for this individual.
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