If a credit card payment has settled, you can refund the money electronically to the original credit card account. This process often takes 3 to 5 business days once initiated.
Initiate a Credit Card Refund
- Click the View icon to the right of the payment you wish to refund.
- This will take you to the Transaction Detail page.
- On the Transaction Detail page, you can verify the Status of the transaction.
- If the status is Pending you may only void the transaction.
- Click the Refund This Transaction button under Common Tasks on the left side of the page.
- In the resulting popup, enter the Refund Amount
- You can also enter any Comments you wish to add to the record. The Primary Contact on the account will be able to see these comments.
- Click the Issue Refund button at the bottom to transmit the money back to the client's credit card.
- Click the View icon to the right of the payment you wish to refund.
Credit card refunds must be refunded to the original card used in the transaction. It is not possible to refund a different credit card.
If the original credit card is no longer available, you can issue paper check or leave the funds on the account as credit.
Transmitted or Settled Payments
Only payments that have transmitted or settled can be refunded.
- Payments that have a Pending status will be voided if you attempt to refund the card.
- When a payment is voided, no money is actually taken out of the client's account.
- A hold may be placed on the funds temporarily due to the initial request for the money, but that usually drops off by evening.
Voiding a Credit Card Transaction
If a credit card transaction has not transmitted or completed, it can be voided. When a payment is voided, no money is actually taken out of the client's account. A hold may be placed on the funds temporarily due to the initial request for the money, but that usually drops off by evening.
- Open the desired account
- Go to the Financial History / Finance Detail
- Click the View icon next to the Credit Card Payment you wish to refund.
- Click the Void Transaction button under the Common Tasks on the left.
- This button only shows if the status of the transaction is Pending. If this button does not show, you will have to refund the transaction.
- In the resulting popup, confirm the void action.
Once a transaction has been voided, a hold may temporarily remain on the funds in the bank. This can make it look to the client like the payment is still there. The hold will prevent access to those funds, but no money will actually be removed from their account. This hold will drop off when the bank batches out, usually the evening of the day when the void is processed.
Check or Cash Refund
When refunds need to be processed outside of UltraCamp, they should still be recorded on the account to maintain financial accuracy.
- On an account, go to the Account Detail or the Finance Detail page.
- Click the Make/Record a Payment button.
- Select the Other Payment option to open the payment page.
Transaction Details
- In the Transaction Type dropdown menu.
- Select either "Check Refund" or "Cash Refund."
- Enter the amount of the refund in the Transaction Amount
- If applicable, you can record the Check Number for the refund check.
- If you wish to record a different Transaction Date from today's date, you can enter it in an 'mm/dd/yyyy' format.
- Leaving that field blank will record the transaction as occurring today.
- Click the Submit Payment button to finish recording the refund.
Transaction Memo
Comments made in this memo field WILL be displayed on confirmation information the client receives and are therefore visible to the client.
Additional Options
Send Receipt: A receipt can automatically be sent to the client by checking the Send Receipt box.
The box to Specify how this payment should be applied should NOT be used when creating a refund payment.
ACH Payments Void and Refund
ACH payments function differently than credit cards.
- The first time an ACH Payment is made from a bank account, UltraCamp will run a prenote check to verify the existence of the account. The total first transaction time can take up to 10 business days. Once the account has been verified, the payment will be processed.
- Once an account has been verified, the prenote check will not be run again and payments will process in 5-7 business days.
Voiding an ACH Payment:
- Open the account in question.
- Proceed to the Financial History / Detail page.
- Scroll down to the Payment section and locate the ACH payment.
- Click the View icon to the right of the payment to access the Payment Detail page.
- Click the Void button at the top left side of the page .
- Proceed through the prompts to prevent the transaction.
Refunding an ACH Payment
Once an ACH payment has been completed, it can be refunded electronically. To record a manual refund, try the following steps:
- Click the View icon to the right of the payment you wish to refund.
- This will take you to the Transaction Detail page.
- On the Transaction Detail page, you can verify the Status of the transaction.
- If the status is Awaiting Pickup, Awaiting Account Verification or Verifying Account, you may only void the transaction.
- If the status is Collecting Funds, Verifying Funds, Released or Settled, the transaction can no longer be voided. However, because the payment has not cleared, it also cannot yet be refunded.
- If the status is Settled you may proceed to refund the transaction.
- Click the Refund This Transaction button at the top left side of the page.
- In the resulting popup, enter the Refund Amount
- You can also enter any Comments you wish to add to the record. The Primary Contact on the account will be able to see these comments.
- Click the Issue Refund button at the bottom to transmit the money back to the client's bank account.
- Click the View icon to the right of the payment you wish to refund.
How can I run a report on all pending refunds in the system. Thank you
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