Using the Check In/Out Tool

Administrators can mark an attendee for an ongoing session as either Checked In or Checked Out, logging arrival and departure in your UltraCamp database. 

The Check-In / Check-Out feature not only records the current status for an individual and but allows you to track who dropped off or picked up an attendee, record comments, and review historical data.    

To access the Check In / Out Tool:

    1. Go to the Tools menu
    2. Click on Reservations
    3. Select Check In / Check Out


Selecting the Check-In / Check-Out link will bring up a list of any reservation where today's date falls between the Session Begin Date and the Session End Date.

  • You can then use the radio buttons to either Check In, Check Out, or take No Action regarding the attendees status.
  • Comments can also be added to the status for reporting purposes.
  • Use the Save button to record any changes in your database.


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