Completion Monitoring

Completion Monitoring allows an admin to track a client's progress through the registration process. Monitoring starts once a client selects a session. If they then do not complete the registration, an automated reminder email will be sent to them. This email contains a link back to that specific session along with an invitation to finish the process. Admins can view statistical information on both complete and incomplete registrations by running the Completion Monitoring report.


Turn on Completion Monitoring

Completion monitoring must be turned on in the My Settings Wizard before automated messages can be generated. 

To turn on Completion Monitoring:

  1. Go to the Settings menu
  2. Expand System Management and click on My Settings
  3. Expand About My Clients and select Completion Monitoring

  4. Send Automated Notices to Clients is checked by default
    • If a client does not complete the registration process, they will be sent a notification along with a link back to the incomplete session
    • Uncheck to disable notifications for incomplete reservations
  5. Click Complete


The Automated Notice email cannot be customized or edited.


Report Parameters

  1. Go to the Reports menu and expand Reservations
  2. Click on Completion Monitoring
  3. Enter Search parameters
    • Begin Date: Enter date range or leave blank to view all dates
    • Status: Select from the dropdown menu
    • Account number: if you want to view a specific account or leave blank to view all accounts
    • Client Notified: check if you want to see who was notified about the incomplete reservation (this only works if notifications are enabled)
  4. Click Search


From the results window, admins can check registration status and view where clients are stopping in the registration process. This is helpful in identifying trends that may be hindering registration completion.


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