How to Make a Retreat Reservation

Retreat Reservations are always entered on an account by an admin user. This user will select dates and facilities, as well as specify pricing. While entering this information, they can also record a wide variety of other other optional information, including deposit requirements, group type, and discounts. Once completed, a retreat reservation can be edited and reported on.

Entering a Retreat Reservation

To enter a retreat reservation, take the following steps:

    1. Open the desired account (or create a new one).
    2. Click Make a Reservation under Common Tasks.
    3. Click Make a Retreat / Conference Reservation.
    4. Enter the dates and times for start and end of the reservation.
    5. Enter the number of Participants.
    6. [Optional] Enter optional information in the provided fields.
    7. Click the Save button.

Adding Facilities and Pricing

Once you've created the reservation, you can add facilities and pricing on the Reservation Detail page.

    1. In the Facilities Reserved section, click Add Items.
    2. Expand Facility Categories by clicking the + to the left.
    3. Next to the desired facility, verify the quantity and time and choose a price definition.
    4. Click the Add button to the right.

This will queue the facility in the Items to Add section at the bottom. Repeat these steps as often as necessary to line up items for this reservation.

When you are satisfied, click the Add facilities button to add your listed facilities, quantities, dates, and prices to the reservation.

Adding these items will immediately update the cost of the retreat. It will also update availability of your facilities.


Updating and Removing Reserved Facilities

Once a facility has been added, you can edit or remove it in the Facilities Reserved section in two ways:

  • You can click the edit icon to the right of any facility to adjust or delete it on the resulting page.
  • You can also take advantage of the check-boxes and radio-buttons to the left of a facility to make changes on this page.

To update facilities directly on the Reservation Detail page take these steps:

    1. Next to the desired facility, select the radio-button to either Update or Delete it.
    2. [Optional] use the text fields to adjust the Quantity or Amount.
    3. Click the Save Selected Facilities button.

You can adjust multiple facilities at once by selecting multiple radio-buttons or by checking the box in the column header to select that operation for all facilities at once.



Adding a Deposit

If you have set up a deposit for your retreats, you can add it to your retreat reservation by taking these steps:

    1. Expand the Deposits section on the Reservation Detail page and click the Add Deposit link
    2. Select a deposit type from the dropdown menu.
    3. [Optional] You can override the default Deposit amount by entering a new number in the data field.
    4. [Optional] Enter any comments and check the box if you wish the comment to display to the public.
    5. Click the Add Deposit button.

Once added a deposit can be edited or removed by clicking the icon to the right of the deposit.


Adding a Discount

If you have set up discounts for retreats, you can add them to your retreat reservation by taking these steps:

    1. Expand the Discounts section on the Reservation Detail page and click the Add Discounts link.
    2. Select a Discount Type.
    3. Select a Discount Method.
    4. [Optional] Depending on the Discount Method you selected, you will be able to customize the discount amount and what it applies to.
    5. [Optional] Enter any comments and check the box if you wish the comment to display to the public.
    6. Click the Add Discount button.

Once a discount has been added, the reservation balance will be updated automatically. Discounts can be deleted by clicking the X to the right.

Added discounts display under Facilities Reserved. You can edit an added discount here by clicking the Edit icon to the right.


Adding Additional Fees

If you have created Add On Fees, you can add them to your retreat reservation by taking these steps:

    1. Expand the Add On Fees section on the Reservation Detail page and click the link to Add a new Add On Fee.
    2. Select the desired add on fee from the dropdown.
    3. Click the Save button.

This will add the fee directly to the reservation and update the reservation balance accordingly.


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