The Session Roster is a versatile report for looking at registrations either as individuals or as a summary on a seasonal basis.
To access, go to:
- Reports menu
- Rosters
- Session Roster
Report Parameters
The Session Roster is arranged so that near the top you select your filters, then your return information, and finally any display/printing parameters for your report. While you won't find headings breaking the Session Roster up into subsections, this help guide will use headings for ease of reference.
- Select Season use the dropdown menu to filter for the desired Season. You can use this filter to look to past, present, or upcoming sessions.
- Select Location: If your organization uses locations, you can filter for a specific location using the Select Location dropdown menu.
- Session Categories or Session Subcategories: If your organization uses Session Categories or Session Subcategories, you can use appropriate dropdown menu to narrow your search if so desired.
- Session Begin Date (optional): Filtering by Session Begin Date is also an option using the calendar picker and one or more of the fields to the right.
- Filter Sessions (optional): UltraCamp displays any sessions that fit the criteria indicated in the above filters. Checking the box for a session narrows the report search to just that session (or sessions). Otherwise, the report will search for all sessions listed.
- Order Date (optional): Use the Order Date fields with their calendar picker to filter for reservations made within a specific date range.
- Age or Gender: In addition to the above filters, you can further limit the individuals returned in the report to a specific Age range (optional) or Gender.
- Made By: Use the Made By dropdown menu to limit the report to reservations made by clients or by administrative staff.
- Session Balance (optional): The Session Balance filter can restrict return information to reservations with a balance equal to, less than, greater than, or not equal to a specified amount. Do not enter a dollar sign in this field.
- = represents "Equal to"
- < represents "Less than"
- > represents "Greater than"
- < > represents "Not Equal To" or "Does Not Equal"
- Confirmation Status: If your organization has elected to manually confirm reservations, you can filter by Confirmation Status using the dropdown menu.
- Arrived / Attended: The Arrived / Attended dropdown filter is designed to permit residential programs to track the arrival of attendees and filter by their arrival status.
- Check-In Status: Used primarily by day programs to toggle an individual between being "Checked In" and "Not Checked In." If your organization is using this feature, you can filter your report using the dropdown menu to select the desired status.
Report Type
- Session Roster: By default, the Session Roster is designed to display a roster of individuals attending a select set of sessions. This will display a row per person per reservation. You can use the Report Type dropdown to change from an Individual Roster report and view the information differently.
- Grouped Roster: A Report Type of "Grouped Roster" will return a single row per reservation. However, in the case of Group or Family reservations, all attendees will be listed in a single field and row for the reservation, instead of having a row per individual.
- Summary: A summary-style Session Roster lists all open session names along with their Begin Date. Additionally, the average attendee age per session as well as totals for enrollment and sales will be listed for each session.
Return Information
- Report Return Information: In every Session Roster, the report's return information will include the Session Name as well as the name of the attendee plus a column for each field as indicated by a check mark in the Return Information section.
- Several of these fields are selected by default but you may check and uncheck boxes as desired to configure what data you view on the returned report.
The list of available fields to pull from in the Session Roster is extensive. However, this report is not capable of pulling data from within custom online forms. For reports that mix online form data with roster information, a Custom Report is required.
- Group Report By: Using the Group Report By dropdown menu, you can arrange the display of the return information.
- If you select one of the items from the list, UltraCamp will display each variation of that item with its own heading.
- By checking the box to the right of the dropdown, the item divisions can be set to Print to separate page.
- Search: Clicking the Search button will run the report.
The Roster
The returned report displays in a series of columns.
- The report can be sorted alpha-numerically by column by clicking the column header.
- Clicking the column header again will reverse the order from ascending to descending.
- Re-ordering the columns in this manner will erase any grouping indicated by the Group Order By in the Report Parameters.
The returned report can be printed by clicking the print icon or exported by clicking the export icon and using the links in the upper right of the report.
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