Account Add-on Fees

Account Add-on Fees are used by an admin to add fees directly to an account. Common uses for Account Add-on Fees include:

    • One-time fees
    • Special charges
    • Make-up fees

Only administrators can add Account Add-on Fees.


Using an Account Add-on Fee

To use an Account Add-on Fee on someone's account, take the following steps:

    1. Open the desired account.
    2. Go to the Finance Detail page on that account.
    3. Click the Add Fees button under Common Tasks.
    4. Select the Account Fee from the dropdown menu.
    5. [Optional] Adjust the default information.
    6. Click the Insert Fee button.

The fee will now be added to the account.

Account Fees cannot be edited once added, but they can be deleted.


In order to use Account Add-on Fees, you'll need to do the following:

    1. Create an Add-on Fee Template.
    2. Create an Account Add-on Fee.

Once you've completed these steps, you will be able to add the fee to any account.


Step 1: Creating an Add-on Fee Template

Add-on Fee Templates can be created by taking the following steps:

    1. In the Settings menu, expand the Fees / Payments section.
    2. Click Add-on Fee Templates.
    3. Click the button to Create a New Fee Type.
    4. Enter a Fee Name and designate an Amount.
    5. Click the Save Fee Type button.

You can learn more about creating these Templates in our dedicated guide to Add-on Fee Templates here.


Step 2: Creating an Account Add-on Fee

Account Add-on Fees can be created by taking the following steps:

    1. In the Settings menu, expand the Fees / Payments section.
    2. Click Account Add-on Fees.
    3. Click Create a New Account Fee.
    4. From the Available Fees dropdown menu, choose the Add-on Fee Template from Step 1.
    5. Click the Add button.

The fee is now set up and ready to be used on accounts.



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