With Custom Online Forms, you can gather data about individuals or accounts, even from a third party. The My Forms wizard lets you quickly drop in text, questions and more. Our basic and custom reporting tools can pull the data you collect or even generate PDFs of individual forms.
If the box is unchecked for client visibility can they still see but not alter a form after it is completed (within forms in their account)?
If the parents or clients can see the form they are able to edit the form. The only way to prevent edits is to uncheck both boxes in the visibility section.
If we selected “never expires” in the expiration settings, is there a way to require attendees to look at that version and verify that it is still accurate or make modifications as needed?
Form expiration settings do not control whether or not a form is displayed in the reservation process. The expirations are used to indicate whether a form has been updated or completed in the designated timeframe or if it is "Out of Date."
You can email families that have already completed a form and request they review and update the form, but there is not a mechanism to require them to review it unless they sign up for something else.
If we only need the form filled out every 3 years, would we select for it to Expire After X Days and just put that many days?
The expiration does not control when a form is displayed in the registration process. It is for reporting purposes. With X days, you can report on whether or not a form has been completed in the last X days. If the form is in the registration process parents will see the form and be able to update information.
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